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You own it, now what's the best way to go forward?

  • What do you have?   Natural ground, unmolested.   Strip Mine Reclaimed Ground (Pre-law, Post law), farm ground

  • What do you want to do with it?

  • What time of the year will you most often utilize the property?   Do you want to spend the summer there or tough it out while goose hunting in the snow?

  • Are here any utilities nearby that you can tap into?  

  • Will you build on the property?  Cabins can be limitless, what about a shed to store your equipment, fishing boats, mowers, outdoor kitchen and bath?

  • Will you camp on the property? How many campers do you anticipate having?  Will you put in a septic system and well?

  • What equipment do you have?  What you do with your property will determine what equipment you will need long term.  Small tractor, lawn mower, etc.

  • What do you envision in:     5 years?   10 years?

  • What liabilities do you have?   Create an LLC prior to purchasing to protect yourself in case someone gets hurt.  

  • Do you want privacy?

  • What features of the property can assist you with your goals?

We can help with plans for dirt work, brush clearing, road building, larger excavation projects and more.   Don't cut down a single tree until you are 1,000% sure that you are doing the best thing for your property.   Trees take too long to grow and are great things to have on your property.

Will you use your property for recreation only?   Is there any chance of making money with your property?   Some landowners are able to take completely useless row crop ground and still make money by renting the ground out for hay forage.   This puts a few dollars in your pocket, and keeps your property looking good as well at least a couple times a year.     Do you have any ground that can be rented out for farm income?     

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